With only four weeks to go, our preparations for mission to Rwanda (17th – 29th April) are full steam ahead. The SOMA International Board will be meeting in Kigali Rwanda for the first time, in person, since our 40th Anniversary held here in Melbourne in 2019. So much has taken place since this time, including the global pandemic, which saw international travel shut down, as well as the change over of our Boarh Chairperson (ABp Justin Badi- Sudan) and three new National Directors (UK, USA & SA). It will therefore be a wonderful opportunity to meet, share, pray and discern God’s vision moving forward for SOMA International.
After our International Board meeting, each country, UK, Ireland, Southern Africa, USA, New Zealand and Australia will be joining together to participate in a mission invitation to the Diocese of Shyogwe. This Diocese is approximately 1.5 hours south west of Kigali and our focus at this stage will be Training of around 50 Pastors, around 100 catechists (local church leaders), and around 100 Preachers and Intercessors.
The topic of the training will be the Gifts of the Holy Spirit for the better understanding how they work: Tongues, Prophecy, Vision and Dreaming, Faith, Discernment, Knowledge and Wisdom, Healing, Leadership, Evangelism, and the likes.
SOMA Australia will be taking a team as part of this mission, so I’d love to introduce you to them as they share a short piece of their expectations before we go.

Rwanda. On mission? Really? I didn’t have to think or pray very long before saying yes, yes please! For me, Rwanda epitomizes hope. Resurrection. The reality that change is possible. The opportunity to be with a team, sharing the love of Jesus, learning from each other, fills me with anticipation. My hope is that the spirit of God goes ahead, fills us, fills me, enables me to become more open to what Jesus wants me to do; and I hope, and have the the greatest expectation, of learning to go deeper with God from our Rwandan brothers and sisters…then bring that hope home to share.
Jan H
“I am looking forward to returning to Rwanda with SOMA, as I was a member the SOMA Team that was there in 1996. This was a large Team, invited by the shattered remnants of the Anglican Church, to help them cope with the horrors of the Genocide, and to begin to rebuild. This was a traumatic Mission, but ended with a prophecy that God was birthing a new church. Although Rwanda, and the Anglican Church there have seen mighty growth since then, there is still a need for God’s people there to learn more of what it means to “Live in the Spirit,” and rise above the evil spirits that still operate there. Our Team this year is small, but our God is great, and we look for great miracles!”
John D
When I found out that I had the opportunity to go to Rwanda, I couldn’t believe it. Going to Rwanda at such a young age, I think, will be an amazing experience. I hope it will give me a better understanding of how fortunate I really am and teach me not to take things for granted. I’m excited to see how God works in the church and communities through a different culture, and I’m also looking forward to what I can learn and takeaway from all of this. I’m not sure what God will do in me, but I am eager to see how he will grow me in my faith. I can’t wait to learn many new things and have new experiences.
Tilly A
As National Director of SOMA Australia, I am really looking forward to this mission. Firstly, I’ve never travelled to Africa, so what a privillege and blessing that will be. Secondly, as mentioned in the intro, meeting with the other National Directors in person for the International Board after so many years of online meetings, will be fabulous. Thirdly, I love the team I’ll be travelling with, especially the gift of travelling with my daughter Tilly. As with all missions I am sent on, my heart will be open to see what God has in store, both in us and through us. May all we do bring Him Glory.
Liz R
Financial & Prayer Support for this mission
If you would like to financially support this mission, you can donate directly to SOMA Australia via the bank details below:
Account Name: Sharing of Ministries Abroad
BSB: 032 681 Account No: 286361
Please reference your transaction with: RwandaTeam
We would appreciate your prayers in the following areas:
- Preparation for mission
- Safety in travel
- Good Health
- SOMA International Board Meeting (21st & 22nd April)
- Mission to Shyogwe Diocese (23rd – 27th April)
- Each team member
- Participants in mission
We give thanks for your ongoing support. If you would like to get in contact with us regarding further details on this mission, or send an encouragements to our team, please email us at contact@somaau.org
Rev Liz Rankin
National Director – SOMA Australia