Dear brothers and sisters of our SOMA family,
Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen Ephesians 3:20-21
Well folks it’s time to make some announcements!
As National Director, for the past seven years, I have witnessed God’s power at work both within me and that of SOMA’s ministry, and He has indeed accomplished abundantly far more than I could have ever imagined. For that, I give God my absolute praise and all glory to Him.
I stepped into this position as a rookie, being encouraged by both Rev Colin Walters and Bishop Ian Lambert to give it a go. To them I say thank you! Thank you for allowing me to privilege to see God work so tangibly within me and through the many hundreds of people I’ve met along the way. As this scripture from Ephesians says, I reiterate, I could honestly never have imagined the partnership with God that I have grown into, the gifts He has graced me with, the many memories and experiences had, the most amazing people I have met, and the leadership skills and authority of Jesus I now find myself stand in, to be used only to bear witness to, and for His glory.
But now it is time for me to move on, to pass on the baton and handover this ministry to a new National Director for SOMA Australia. I’m so pleased to announce the new appointment of Rev Melinda McMahon as National Director. Please be praying for Melinda as she transitions into this new role and pray for me as I step into the new season God is calling me into. May Melinda and the ministry of SOMA Australia continue to be blown away by God’s hand at work in and through them, may the Holy Spirit continue to strengthen and equip His mission workers, and may the great commission, to make Jesus known across the nations continue to unfold.
Further to this announcement, I can also share with you that through our recent AGM we have some committee members stepping down, and new committee members stepping up. For those stepping down; Rev Colin Walters, Marco Vervoorst, Rev Jon Taylor, and for those staying on; Bishop Ian Lambert (Chair), Stephen Borserio (Treasurer) and Rev John Davies (Ordinary member) we give you thanks for all that you have done in serving God through your work and ministry in SOMA Australia. And now we welcome our new committee members, Susan Liersch (Secretary), Graeme Liersch (Ordinary member) and Kimberlee Hodges (Ordinary member). God’s blessings on you all as you serve in these roles.
It certainly is a new season and exciting times for SOMA Australia, so I encourage you all to please keep supporting, encouraging, and praying for this ministry. Photos and bios of our new National Director and Committee members will circulate along with news and reports from SOMA’s recent mission to Ireland soon.
But for now, I conclude, once again saying thank you for sharing with me the most wonderful and enriching time of ministry as the National Director of SOMA Australia, serving in God’s mission to the world. Shalom from me as I say ‘yes’ to God’s next adventure ahead.
The blessing of almighty God, Father, Son & Holy Spirit be among you.
Rev Liz Rankin.