From SOMA’s birthing in the late 1970s, prayer has had a vital role in the organisation of missions, the spiritual protection of missioners, and keeping the fruit of the mission growing when it had finished. Would you like to be part of the SOMA Australia newly formed Intercessory Team?
At the recent National Director’s team meeting we were challenged to ensure prayer was given its rightful place in all our activities. We were challenged to raise up intercessors to be trained to become a more effective intercessors, and as well to receive regular updates on what is happening in SOMA around the world, so that they might be better positioned to pray for upcoming SOMA missions. Such an Intercessory Team would make an important contribution to releasing the Holy Spirit’s power and healing throughout the nervous system of His body, the Church. All SOMA National Director’s are currently in the process of organising a SOMA Week of Prayer for January/February next week. Please let Rev. Melinda, at contact@somaau.org know if you are interested in being more involved in prayer for SOMA.
SOMA Worldwide Prayer Requests:
- We received news from John Wyndham that Bishop Hamish was promoted to Glory on the evening of 27th November. His daughter was by his side. Bishop Hamish was one of the pioneer leaders in the Anglican Renewal in Australia and was the last surviving bishop of those who attended the first Anglican Conference on Spiritual Renewal at Canterbury before Lambeth in 1978, which ultimately led to the birthing of SOMA. Let us pray for the family of Bishop Hamish.
- Rev. Buli, National Director of SOMA South Africa has asked for prayers as many of the clergy in the region are experiencing spiritual attack on their health. Please pray for protection and healing.
- Rev. Kyle from SOMA US has requested prayer. Kyle has asked Trinity School of Ministry, an Orthodox seminary in the US to prayerfully consider permitting SOMA to lead a workshop(s) for the seminarians. The faculty will meet soon to make a decision. Kyle asks that God to impress on the faculty the importance of raising up New Testament disciples, embracing the fullness of everything Jesus taught, and that SOMA could come along side the seminary to assist the formation of students.