
SOMA stands for Sharing of Ministries Abroad and is a short-term mission agency that sends teams of missions with a prophetic mandate of caring for the nervous system of the body of Christ, particularly within the Anglican church. We also welcome invitations from parishes both within Australia and abroad who have a desire for a renewal of mission and ministry into their own local community. Our desire is to build up the body of Christ to be the instrument of renewing and refreshing God’s Kingdom for a time such as this.


Keep reading about SOMA’s history.

Who is SOMA?

Many Christians, especially Anglicans, do not have the privilege of seeing the global Church in all her glory. SOMA helps make sure the nervous system of the body of Christ is functioning as it connects us to the world and breaks down those barriers.

SOMA Australia breaks down barriers through the power of the Holy Spirit, and this builds up the body of Christ. The current Anglican Archbishop Justin Welby has described SOMA as ‘part of the glue that says to us we belong to each other because we belong to Jesus.’ So we stand alongside our hurting brothers and sisters, as equal ‘heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ,’ who ‘share in his sufferings’ and so also ‘share in his glory.’ Romans 8:17

We want the Anglican arm of Christ’s body to be emboldened and built up through teams witnessing and experiencing the global church on overseas missions, and back in Australia through sharing what God is doing abroad. This ‘reciprocity in mission’ is paramount to the SOMA vision. We are aware that the main function of the nervous system is to wake us up to danger and pain. As God connects the church through SOMA we all benefit. ‘SOMA Stories,’ often coming in the face of difficulties and suffering, can awaken parts of the church in danger of falling asleep and bring hope, joy and faith for the future that we face together. 


The International Board is the guardian of the SOMA vision. The International Board comprises Anglican Renewal leaders drawn from nine nations together with the National Directors. The International Patron is Most Revd Justin Badi of South Sudan. The new Chair is Reverend Andrew Allen-Johns of New Zealand.

The Board meets every month for an online share and prayer time, and in person every 18 month and has appointed an Executive group to act as a “standing committee” between meetings. This group comprises the chairman, secretary, treasurer and three representatives of the national directors. The national directors form a collegiate leadership in planning and carrying out SOMA’s ministry globally.

As well as Australia, there are national SOMA bodies in the United Kingdom, the USA, Ireland, South Africa and New Zealand. Each national SOMA body has its own board or council which provides a covering and support for the National Director, and for Australia an Executive Office, whom they appoint. These boards meet at regular intervals and also appoint executives to act on their behalf.

Read about SOMA Australia


Rev Wayne Walters shares his experience on SOMA mission to Tanzania

By Rev Wayne Walters ‘Here I am Lord: send me!’ SOMA in Tanzania. Discovering Tanzania through participation in a mission with SOMA has been a delight. Having never been to Africa, my first experience of the enthusiastic welcome and gracious hospitality of this tactile and expressive people has been deeply heartwarming. I have seen the …


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