Another way to support SOMA Australia’s ministry financially is to purchase from our store items below…
From Everywhere to Everywhere:
The Story of Sharing of Ministries Abroad.
Why not begin with going on a journey exploring the history of SOMA by reading, ‘From Everywhere to Everywhere: The story of Sharing of Ministries Abroad’? Written by former National Director, John Wyndham.
If you would like to order a copy of John’s book, please use the merchandise form below and we’ll pop a copy in the mail.
Note John’s book is also available for order from Amazon for Kindle for $15 as an ebook.
A Biblical case for the spirit-filled experience
$20.00 (Paperback) $11 (ebook)
Can we have confidence of the Spirit-filled experience?
Where in the Bible can we learn how to receive the fullness of the Spirit that Jesus promised to His followers?
A little more about SOMA’s Legacy author: John Wyndham
Rome, 1975: Three Anglican clergymen sat in a small cafe as 10,000Roman Catholic charismatics met. As Bill Burnett, Michael Harper and Terry Fullam discussed aspects of the conference, one remarked, ‘If they can do it, why can’t we?’
The result: an Anglican conference in 1978 during which a prophecy was received – ‘Let my Holy Spirit tend the nervous system of the Church’.
This is the foundation and call of SOMA. Over the last 40 years, thousands have gone out in faith to encourage the renewal of the church. This is the SOMA story.
John Wyndham was ordained in the Anglican Church in 1961. He was assistant curate in two Sydney parishes before joining the field staff of the Bush Church Aid Society in 1963.
With BCA, he served in South Australia and Western Australia. Tarcoola, SA, covered an area of 80,000 square miles and included the 1000 miles length of the TransAustralia Railway. With at Tarcoola, he was also Army Reserve Chaplain at the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment Maralinga. Following his service with BCA, he became an Australian Regular Army Chaplain and was eventually deployed to South Vietnam. John was also founder of Pacific Renewal and Outreach Ministries, and first came into contact with SOMA during a conversation with Michael Harper in 1979. PROM became SOMA Pacific with John being the inaugrual National Director.
John went onto minister in 15 Anglican Communions and over 30 countries. In ‘retirement’, he has been locum/acting rector of parishes in Sydney and Brisbane as well as continuing his involvement with SOMA. John and Jan are still as active as ever in ministry.
SOMA Merchandise – 40th Anniversary
40th Anniversary pack
Cost: $15 – includes:
- Satchel
- Lanyard
- Notebook and Pen