SOMA News | Come Holy Spirit and heal the nervous system of your body …

Written by Rev. Melinda McMahon | National Director of SOMA Australia

You may prefer to read this newsletter as an 8page PDF.
Download the SOMA AU December/January 23/24 Newsletter here.

Greetings to all SOMA Missioners,
Perhaps you have had moments when the Lord
cuts into your thinking and suddenly you have
clarity of vision and a renewed sense of purpose.
One such time for me was at my first SOMA National Directors’ meeting in August this year.

  It seemed like a new season for SOMA. Rev. Henry Blair had commenced as International Coordinator with SOMA UK and Rev. Andrew Allan-Johns, SOMA International Chair, had received advice that SOMA US was reluctant to participate in SOMA International missions.  The prospect of this later separation evoked concern and deep regret. So, Rev. Andrew called us to pause in listening prayer, to be guided by the Spirit of God as to how we should proceed in this new season.

    It was during this period of quietness that a scene from a movie, titled, “7 Yards. The Chris Norton Story”, I had watched a few weeks earlier, flashed before me.  Chris Norton, a young footballer, had become paralysed from the waist down after a life-altering tackle.  He was told by his doctors he would never walk again.

    Immediately I saw the connection between the movie and the current state of the global Anglican communion.

    The scene before me served as a reminder of the words a SOMA leader received in the early days of the formation of SOMA.  He had heard Jesus’ cry,

“I weep over my broken body. When one part of the body is in pain, the other parts do not feel the pain …”[1]

    It was precisely the pain of simmering friction within the global Anglican Communion in 1978 all those decades ago that prompted a prophetic word to form a ministry that would release the Holy Spirit to tend to the nervous system of the Anglican Church.

    However, it was not the scene of Chris Norton’s paralysed body that the Spirit quickened within me.  Rather it was the occasion when Chris awoke one morning with a noticeable sensation in his big toe.

    So marked was the tingling that his body pulsated with a sense of hope and anticipation. Could it be true? Would God be so gracious as to do a work of healing in his body? Might it be possible that his dream to walk his fiancé down the aisle in the coming months come true?

    And so it was. Hope fuelled faith, faith birthed perseverance, and after seven years of agonising physiotherapy, Chris’ dream became a reality.

In our current situation we might well ask:

    Over the past five decades SOMA teams have fulfilled their calling to be the means by which the Holy Spirit brings healing, reconciliation, renewal and revitalisation, to the body of Christ, and especially to those in most need.

    SOMA teams are, many ways, like the nerve fibres which bring the Holy Spirit’s healing and restoration to different members of Christ’s body.

    The scene quickened by the Spirit enabled me to glimpse the significance of SOMA International continuing its missions across the world.  Perhaps our continuance in bringing teams of Anglicans from various diocese to minister together in the power of the Spirit, might serve as a ‘tingling’ of hope to those of SOMA US, that the Lord Jesus would have his people continue sending His healing and restorative power to all members of the Anglican communion.

    From its conception, a core value of SOMA has been its reliance on intercessory prayer for the release of the Spirit’s power throughout the body of Christ.

    This call for prayer was highlighted at the most recent National Director’s meeting, when there was resounding agreement of the need for prayer to resume its rightful priority.  To that end, National Directors were challenged to raise up intercessory prayer co-ordinators in each of their home countries.

    However, Jesus taught us that there are situations when prayer alone may not be sufficient, when prayer needs to be accompanied by fasting.   For prayer and fasting enables the Lord to teach us humility, to inspire us towards justice, to release us from oppression, and to enrich our sense of generosity (Isaiah 58:6-10)

    The Lord’s promise is firm to those who fast in prayer:

“You will be given water when you are dry
 and your strength restored.

You will be like a well-watered garden,
like an ever-flowing spring. (v11b)

    Is not this the very season when the body of Christ needs her strength to be restored and her innermost parts to be healed?”

    In a recent conversation with John Wyndham, author of “From Everywhere to Everywhere: The Story of Sharing of Ministries Abroad”, I was reminded,

“Intercession is the foundation upon which SOMA’s ministry and mission are secured … in fact mission and ministry are the two legs that make it run.”

    So, let’s keep running and praying that the body of Christ might be nurtured and maintained as mission teams go forth across the world to build up Christ’s body.”[2]  During this Advent season of expectation of our Saviour’s return, let us “keep watch” and “be alert and pray for the coming of your Lord”.  As SOMA Missioners who have responded to the call of the Lord Jesus, let us continue to be the fibres through which the Holy Spirit brings healing and restoration to our broken world. Yours in the power of the Spirit, Rev. Mel

[1] From Everywhere to Everywhere, John Wyndham, page 23.

[2] John Wyndham, From Everywhere to Everywhere, page 136-137.

A visit by SOMA International Chair

Report written by Rev. Melinda McMahon, Rector of Southlakes Anglican Church and National Director of SOMA Australia.

In the last weeks of November, Rev. Andrew Allan-Johns the Chair of SOMA International visited Australia.  Starting with a meet and greet with Rev. Graeme and Rev. Susan Liersch, Ministers of the parish of Wonthaggi/Inverloch in

Victoria. Then travelled to Newcastle to spend some time with the saints of Southlakes Anglican Church.  As soon as he stepped off the plane in Newcastle, we drove up to the home of John Wyndham in Port Macquarie.

    Some may not be aware, John is a pioneer of SOMA Australia and the author of SOMA’s historic book “From Everywhere to Everywhere”. (A book which is available for purchase from SOMA’s website). We spent a delightful morning discussing various aspects of John’s account of the formation of SOMA.  John shared his prayers as he ‘passes on the mantle of anointing’ to the new SOMA teams and gave us many of the contacts he had established with SOMA supporters around the world.

    We then returned to Newcastle, Andrew was able to spend time with the saints in my own church, Southlakes Anglican, during which he preached at both our traditional service and more charismatic evening service we call, “Encountering God’s Power and Presence.”

    During the traditional service, I interviewed Rev. Andrew on some of the new initiatives SOMA International is introducing and next year’s mission to Tanzania (more on this below). Then Rev. Andrew preached from the first chapter of Ephesians on the church’s calling to demonstrate the kingdom of God through the ministry of healing. Rev. Andrew had several words of knowledge for healing for those present, which was a new experience for some. His visit inspired many of my parishioners to become more interested in SOMA, and encouraged me as I navigate the terrain of encouraging my somewhat traditional congregation to venture bravely towards Charismatic renewal.

A Healing Conference releases more missioners

SOMA Chair | Bishop Ian Lambert Reports
on the Healing Conference held recently in Melbourne:

The testimonies tell the story of our awesome God in action at the St Paul’s North Caulfield conference in November.

  • “I wanted to tell you that I had amazing breakthroughs and deliverance from the spirit of control.”
  • “Have you ever wondered what happens when God’s people soak in an atmosphere of prayer and come expectant? Miracles become normal!”
  • “We saw God heal, almost everyone with a physical need, and as forgiveness was released, many received peace and inner healing. Demons were dealt with, and joy was abounding!”
  • “This was amazing. God has completely changed my life!”
  • “Wow, what a weekend! God poured out blessings to us all. I truly felt like I was drinking at a new well.”

    We commenced the weekend with an evening specifically for pastors/priests to provide an opportunity for them to worship, dine, network and fellowship together.

    On Friday we heard of the wonderful healing legacy at St Paul’s because of the faithful healing ministry initiatives by Rev. Hickson at the turn of last century. Each session had inspired worship which led us into God’s presence and prepared us to receive great messages of encouragement and teaching.

   Rev Dr Teresa Parish led each of the evening sessions and ministry times.  What an inspiring and lively time we enjoyed with Teresa!

   Rev Dr Mark Durie taught authoritatively on Healing and Deliverance and then on Life in the Spirit.  Bishop Ian Lambert shared stories around our supernatural God from his ministry and missions using Elijah and the prophets of Baal narrative. On Saturday Bp Ian dealt with the difficult subject of when healing doesn’t come, and forgiveness. On Saturday afternoon there were six workshops, including: establishing healing ministry in local church; navigating renewal in the local church; spiritual gifts; and deliverance ministry.

    St Paul’s were outstanding hosts, and the gathering ran seamlessly.  Indeed, the large bold billboard outside the church on the highway: “WE PRAY STUFF HAPPENS!” was true to its word.  The presence of God, the weight of His holiness – the kabod – was something to be experienced. People were healed, captives set free, words of knowledge, demons fled, and much weeping!  Nothing more powerful than when God’s presence rested heavily on the clergy as those present were prayed for.

   What outstanding young leaders in Rev Brendon and Virginia McDonald at St Paul’s, so ably supported by their lay folk.  Looking towards more of the same over the years to come – bodes well for the Anglican Church in Melbourne! Praise God.

SOMA News | Join SOMA Revive East Africa in June 24

From 30 May to 7 June 2024 SOMA International is coordinating “Revive East Africa” mission in Tanzania.  The mission is being hosted by the Diocese of Central Tanganyika (DCT) and will follow a provincial training model.  At the outset, the Bishop will accompany three carefully selected teachers and trainers from each Diocese to receive teaching on the Holy Spirit. The SOMA international team will include three missioners per diocese.

   Topics to be taught will include the role of the Holy Spirit, healing the sick, prophecy and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the spiritual realm, deliverance, forgiveness and holiness.  Teaching will then be extended further to diocesan leaders and lay invitees.  The teams will consist of experienced missioner, international and diocesan leaders.  Training will be in Kiswahili and translators will be used.   Following this, diocesan leaders will seek to encourage those in their own dioceses to utilise the gifts of the Spirit.

   For those interested in joining the international team, SOMA missions take place upon the request of the diocesan bishop and conform to local policies and procedures. As is the case in all SOMA Missions, participants travel at their own expense, but local hospitality is to be provided. Each missionary can contribute US$200 towards their hosting plus local travel expenses. To register your participation, please contact Rev. Melinda, National Director, at

SOMA Newsletter | Calling all intercessors

   From SOMA’s birthing in the late 1970s, prayer has had a vital role in the organisation of missions, the spiritual protection of missioners, and keeping the fruit of the mission growing when it had finished.  Would you like to be part of the SOMA Australia newly formed Intercessory Team?

At the recent National Director’s team meeting we were challenged to ensure prayer was given its rightful place in all our activities.  We were challenged to raise up intercessors to be trained to become a more effective intercessors, and as well to receive regular updates on what is happening in SOMA around the world, so that they might be better positioned to pray for upcoming SOMA missions. Such an Intercessory Team would make an important contribution to releasing the Holy Spirit’s power and healing throughout the nervous system of His body, the Church.  All SOMA National Director’s are currently in the process of organising a SOMA Week of Prayer for January/February next week.  Please let Rev. Melinda, at know if you are interested in being more involved in prayer for SOMA.

  • We received news from John Wyndham that Bishop Hamish was promoted to Glory on the evening of 27th November.  His daughter was by his side.  Bishop Hamish was one of the pioneer leaders in the Anglican Renewal in Australia and was the last surviving bishop of those who attended the first Anglican Conference on Spiritual Renewal at Canterbury before Lambeth in 1978, which ultimately led to the birthing of SOMA.  Let us pray for the family of Bishop Hamish.
  • Rev. Buli, National Director of SOMA South Africa has asked for prayers as many of the clergy in the region are experiencing spiritual attack on their health.  Please pray for protection and healing.
  • Rev. Kyle from SOMA US has requested prayer.  Kyle has asked Trinity School of Ministry, an Orthodox seminary in the US to prayerfully consider permitting SOMA to lead a workshop(s) for the seminarians. The faculty will meet soon to make a decision. Kyle asks that God to impress on the faculty the importance of raising up New Testament disciples, embracing the fullness of everything Jesus taught, and that SOMA could come along side the seminary to assist the formation of students.

Sept 23 SOMA Newsletter

The September 2023 SOMA Australia Newsletter is out now!

You may either receive this email via email, or a PDF version is available who would prefer to receive a copy that may be printed.

Included here is the opening greeting by new National Director, Reverend Melinda.

She writes,

Greetings to all SOMA Missioners,

Please allow me to start by introducing myself, as many may not know who I am, or where I’m from.  My name is Melinda McMahon and I am the Rector of the Anglican parish of Southlakes which is located in the Lake Macquarie district of New South Wales. So, I’m part of the Newcastle Diocese.

For the past four years I’ve been in parish ministry, after ministering as a chaplain and a Scripture teacher for many years, as well as ministering as family worker in Tea Gardens and Bulahdelah.

But, most of all, I am passionate about fulfilling God’s mission in the power of the Spirit.  Shortly after returning home from participating in my first SOMA mission to Northern Ireland, I was delighted to be invited to be the new National Director.

I would like to start our newsletters with a devotional, keeping our focus on the great commission which our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ called us to fulfil.

In our parish, during the season of Pentecost, we have been following a devotional which journeys through the book of Acts, teaching us how to minister in the power of the Holy Spirit.  I’d like to share the devotional of Day 14, entitled, “The Spirit of Pentecost is the Spirit of Mission”.

When Jesus promised His disciples the power they needed to accomplish the work He had given them. He said, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). There are at least five ways the Spirit empowers us to fulfill God’s mission.

The Spirit Compels Us to Witness | With the baptism in the Holy Spirit comes an inner compulsion to tell others about Jesus and His salvation. When Peter and John were ordered to stop preaching and teaching in Jesus’ name, they replied, “We cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20). The Holy Spirit was in them compelling them to talk about their Lord. In the same way, the Spirit compels us to tell others about Jesus.

The Spirit Enables Us to Speak | Once the disciples were filled with the Spirit, they spoke with unexpected ability. The people were astonished that these ordinary men spoke with such authority. We can have that same “great grace” upon our lives if we will be empowered by the Holy Spirit as they were.

The Spirit Equips Us to Defeat Demons | Paul wrote, “The god of this age [Satan] has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ” (2 Cor. 4:4).  Jesus overcame demons in the Spirit’s power, and so must we. This is another reason we must be filled with―and remain full of―the Holy Spirit. 

The Spirit Empowers Us to Work Miracles | In Acts, signs and wonders were a key element in advancing the gospel. Following the Spirit’s outpouring at Pentecost, “awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles” (2:43). The same can be true today. If we will be filled with the Spirit and remain committed to God’s mission, the Spirit will work through us to perform miracles to the glory of God.

The Spirit Gives Us Boldness | The Spirit who empowers us for mission is who gives us courage to witness for Christ in the face of danger and threats. We know that Stephen was stoned, James was beheaded, Peter was imprisoned, and Paul was once stoned and left for dead. When we face hostility and threat today, we must be like those first Christians. We must be filled with the Spirit and continue to boldly proclaim the message of salvation.

You and I are called to fulfil Jesus’ mission.  So let us ‘Go in love and serve the Lord, in the power of the Spirit’ wherever the Lord has placed us, wherever our missionfield is. Yours in the power of the Spirit, Rev Mel.

If you’d like to subscribe to receive the SOMAAustralia Newsletter, please contact us.

Reflections of Northern Ireland mission

What can I say? The opportunity to serve on team at the Northern Ireland International SOMA Mission was truly inspiring and encouraging.

It is now time to recount some of the highlights:

What is SOMA and how does it contribute to the worldwide Anglican Communion?

SOMA stands for Sharing of Ministries Abroad and was established around 1978.  During an Anglican international conference on spiritual renewal in 1978, a prophetic word given in Canterbury Cathedral formed the basis of Sharing of Ministries Abroad.

SOMA was formed to encourage, envision, empower, enable and equip the Anglican church, throughout the entire worldwide Anglican communion.  Interestingly, at our orientation day, Bishop David McClay added “evangelising” into the mix.  Some years ago, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, called SOMA “the nervous system of the body of Christ as it functions to connect us to the world and break down barriers.”  And this is done with a strong emphasis on the power of the Holy Spirit, and through using this Spiritual gifts.

The Mission Orientation day started on 1st June with 59 Anglican team members from a diverse range of nations gathering for praise, worship, Holy Communion and Commissioning.  Bishop David McClay commissioned us before embarking on uplifting and encouraging about 30 parishes in Northern Ireland who had indicated their desire for a SOMA team to visit.

Which parishes did you visit?

I was allocated to visit three parishes over the two and a half week period.

Rathfriland –  The first parish was Drumgath and Drumgooland
at Rathfriland, ( drumgath-st-john-rathfriland) a rural parish with two congregations meeting in two separate church buildings.  Together with Jen, another female team member from Scotland, I stayed with Allan and Catherine, who opened their home and even lending me some of their daughter’s clothes when my baggage failed to arrive.

Our team at Rathfriland was headed up by Rev Henry Blaire, the Team leader for the entire SOMA mission in Northern Ireland.  Although currently the minister of Parish of Clogher in Northern Ireland, Henry is hoping to step into leading SOMA fulltime, raising awareness about SOMA throughout the region.  Another team member was Joshua from Kenya.

We had many ministry opportunities at Rathfriland and worked closely with Rev Ian Linton and his wife.  Ministry ranged from leading a Praise and Worship evening for those who wanted to experience the Spirit of God in a fresh way, breakfast with the teens of the parish, and I was allocated to preach at both services on Sunday.  We finished our time with Rathfriland by gathering with all the parishioners for a huge BBQ at the Rectory, complete with a wedding sized markee and jumping castle for the kids.

After Rathfriland, all the team headed to the parish of Kilkeel.

Kilkeel – Kilkeel was a vibrant parish with extensive facilities and a strong heritage of moving in the Spirit. (  Having been pastored by Bishop David for 15 years, this Anglican community were well taught and welcoming to receive more teaching on moving in the gifts of the Spirit and ministering in the Spirit during their services and outreach events.

The parish is now led by Reverend Canon Alison Calvin, a Spirit-filled woman with extensive pastoral experience.

We arrived on Sunday afternoon and met our new team members: Kevin Roberts who was a newly retired archdeacon from England, and Michelle, the wife of an Anglican minister from Fort Worth, Texas.

Immediately we began to get to know each other and then started planning how we would be involved in the parish’s evening “Encounter” service. This monthly service was designed to welcome people who wanted to experience a fresh encounter of God.  Joshua, our team member from Kenya, preached on moving in faith, and Jen from Scotland shared her testimony about struggling with insecurity and striving.  Remarkably, although Jen doubted the content of her testimony, she discovered there was a girl present, who hadn’t originally planned to attend the service, who was greatly touched by what she said.   Many others were open receive prayer ministry, the anointing with oil, and others received words of knowledge and prophecy during the ministry time.

On Monday evening the team lead a Spiritual Gifts exploration evening, and many were activated to move in new areas not only within the church community but also using these gifts in the marketplace when combined with evangelism.

As the week continued the team was involved in all kinds of ministry including door-to-door evangelism, chatting with people in the town square at a coffee and cake morning, and finished with a “pudding and praise” evening for people from the community to drop in to experience the newly built annex.

One experience that really moved me was when Rev Ally had invited members of the Kilkeel parish to participate in door-to-door evangelism either in the afternoon or in the evening.  This meant that three different groups of people were going out, in pairs, to visit their neighbours surrounding the church.

What I found incredibly encouraging was that more than 15 people turned up (some more than once) to embark on this adventure, even though many were extremely nervous about undertaking this new style of evangelism.

It didn’t matter where we went, we were usually accompanied by David, a warden in the church who was also a very powerful evangelist.  David took us on a drive up to the mountains overlooking Kilkeel and we prayed over the region.

It was wonderful to discover that Jen and I were to stay with Rev Alison, who preferred being called “Ally”, in the Rectory.  This opened the space for lots of chats about church leadership, especially in the realm of moving in the Spirit.  The Diocese of Down and Dromore are considerably further along in confidence in moving in the Spirit, demonstrated by the fact that at last year’s Synod there was a public message given in tongues, with Rev Ally providing the interpretation!

As we finished our time at Kilkeel, we farewelled each other as our next parishes involved working with new team members from other nations.

Seagoe – On Friday morning I was driven to my new location, arriving at the parish of Seagoe (  We were introduced to the Associate Minister, Stuart Moles and church planting pastor, Jim Fleming.  We also met our new SOMA team members: Justin, who although having been raised by Japanese missionaries, was now ministering as worship leader in Kings Church, London. 

Also, arriving the same day was Princy, who was the daughter of Archbishop Abraham, a pioneering missionary who founded Hope India Mission ( in North India.

Princy and I were welcomed into the home of Beth and Jim, who were wardens of the parish in Seagoe, who lived a convenient 5 minutes from the church.

As the Rector, Rev. Canon Terence Cadden had a wedding to attend on the day of our arrival, we spent the afternoon with Jim, the pioneering church planter who had bought a townhouse on ‘G Street’ in Killicamaine, a low socio-economic area of Seagoe.  We spent the afternoon with Jim, talking about how we could assist him, and went to pray with Anna, a drug addict who attended his newly formed Community Church.

The next day our first gathering was to meet with Rev. Terence and his wife Alison, and other members of the Seagoe parish who were interested in mission.  This meeting was an important occasion and we gathered to pray in the church for these church leaders later that afternoon.

Being so close to Sunday, I was scheduled to preach at both services in Seagoe, the traditional Holy Communion service and the more contemporary family service.  Being a gifted prophetic worship leader, Justin lead worship and praise in both services, which paved the way for prayer ministry to occur in both services.

On Sunday afternoon we meet with the rest of the church family for a picnic.  It was here that we were joined by Bishop Praises from Nigeria.

In the afternoon the team attended the evening service held at St Patrick’s Hall, while I went to lead the Bible Study in the Community Church plant which met in another hall in a different location.

As our time drew to a close, we said our farewells, some moving onto new locations, while others, including myself, headed home.

And then the long-haul journey home began!  What began as a 23-hour trip home from Belfast to Sydney – turned into a four day journey due to a rain storm blowing across Heathrow, grounding every plane for an hour.  Finally, on Thursday, 15th June I arrived home – unfortunately my plane had left my bag back in Singapore, and it took four days to get to my home on Monday, 19th.

Reflections on how the SOMA Mission will impact my ministry at Southlakes

The mission was indeed a whirlwind of activities, events and ministry opportunities. Nevertheless, it was an inspiring and uplifting time.  The opportunity to hear and experience how the Spirit of God is moving throughout the worldwide Anglican communion was both refreshing and energising.  Also receiving and sharing the ministries from Anglicans in different parts of the world gave me opportunity to see how diverse Anglicanism is, and how open the worldwide Anglican co

Final letter from Rev Liz

Dear brothers and sisters of our SOMA family,

Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen Ephesians 3:20-21

Well folks it’s time to make some announcements!

As National Director, for the past seven years, I have witnessed God’s power at work both within me and that of SOMA’s ministry, and He has indeed accomplished abundantly far more than I could have ever imagined.  For that, I give God my absolute praise and all glory to Him. 

I stepped into this position as a rookie, being encouraged by both Rev Colin Walters and Bishop Ian Lambert to give it a go.  To them I say thank you! Thank you for allowing me to privilege to see God work so tangibly within me and through the many hundreds of people I’ve met along the way.  As this scripture from Ephesians says, I reiterate, I could honestly never have imagined the partnership with God that I have grown into, the gifts He has graced me with, the many memories and experiences had, the most amazing people I have met, and the leadership skills and authority of Jesus I now find myself stand in, to be used only to bear witness to, and for His glory. 

But now it is time for me to move on, to pass on the baton and handover this ministry to a new National Director for SOMA Australia.  I’m so pleased to announce the new appointment of Rev Melinda McMahon as National Director.  Please be praying for Melinda as she transitions into this new role and pray for me as I step into the new season God is calling me into.  May Melinda and the ministry of SOMA Australia continue to be blown away by God’s hand at work in and through them, may the Holy Spirit continue to strengthen and equip His mission workers, and may the great commission, to make Jesus known across the nations continue to unfold.

Further to this announcement, I can also share with you that through our recent AGM we have some committee members stepping down, and new committee members stepping up.  For those stepping down; Rev Colin Walters, Marco Vervoorst, Rev Jon Taylor, and for those staying on; Bishop Ian Lambert (Chair), Stephen Borserio (Treasurer) and Rev John Davies (Ordinary member) we give you thanks for all that you have done in serving God through your work and ministry in SOMA Australia. And now we welcome our new committee members, Susan Liersch (Secretary), Graeme Liersch (Ordinary member) and Kimberlee Hodges (Ordinary member).  God’s blessings on you all as you serve in these roles.

It certainly is a new season and exciting times for SOMA Australia, so I encourage you all to please keep supporting, encouraging, and praying for this ministry.  Photos and bios of our new National Director and Committee members will circulate along with news and reports from SOMA’s recent mission to Ireland soon.

But for now, I conclude, once again saying thank you for sharing with me the most wonderful and enriching time of ministry as the National Director of SOMA Australia, serving in God’s mission to the world.  Shalom from me as I say ‘yes’ to God’s next adventure ahead.

The blessing of almighty God, Father, Son & Holy Spirit be among you.

Rev Liz Rankin.

Rwanda mission – meet the team

With only four weeks to go, our preparations for mission to Rwanda (17th – 29th April) are full steam ahead. The SOMA International Board will be meeting in Kigali Rwanda for the first time, in person, since our 40th Anniversary held here in Melbourne in 2019. So much has taken place since this time, including the global pandemic, which saw international travel shut down, as well as the change over of our Boarh Chairperson (ABp Justin Badi- Sudan) and three new National Directors (UK, USA & SA). It will therefore be a wonderful opportunity to meet, share, pray and discern God’s vision moving forward for SOMA International.

After our International Board meeting, each country, UK, Ireland, Southern Africa, USA, New Zealand and Australia will be joining together to participate in a mission invitation to the Diocese of Shyogwe. This Diocese is approximately 1.5 hours south west of Kigali and our focus at this stage will be Training of around 50 Pastors, around 100 catechists (local church leaders), and around 100 Preachers and Intercessors.

The topic of the training will be the Gifts of the Holy Spirit for the better understanding how they work: Tongues, Prophecy, Vision and Dreaming, Faith, Discernment, Knowledge and Wisdom, Healing, Leadership, Evangelism, and the likes. 

SOMA Australia will be taking a team as part of this mission, so I’d love to introduce you to them as they share a short piece of their expectations before we go.

Rwanda. On mission? Really? I didn’t have to think or pray very long before saying yes, yes please! For me, Rwanda epitomizes hope. Resurrection. The reality that change is possible. The opportunity to be with a team, sharing the love of Jesus, learning from each other, fills me with anticipation. My hope is that the spirit of God goes ahead, fills us, fills me, enables me to become more open to what Jesus wants me to do; and I hope, and have the the greatest expectation, of learning to go deeper with God from our Rwandan brothers and sisters…then bring that hope home to share.

Jan H

“I am looking forward to returning to Rwanda with SOMA, as I was a member the SOMA Team that was there in 1996. This was a large Team, invited by the shattered remnants of the Anglican Church, to help them cope with the horrors of the Genocide, and to begin to rebuild. This was a traumatic Mission, but ended with a prophecy that God was birthing a new church. Although Rwanda, and the Anglican Church there have seen mighty growth since then, there is still a need for God’s people there to learn more of what it means to “Live in the Spirit,” and rise above the evil spirits that still operate there. Our Team this year is small, but our God is great, and we look for great miracles!”

John D

When I found out that I had the opportunity to go to Rwanda, I couldn’t believe it. Going to Rwanda at such a young age, I think, will be an amazing experience. I hope it will give me a better understanding of how fortunate I really am and teach me not to take things for granted. I’m excited to see how God works in the church and communities through a different culture, and I’m also looking forward to what I can learn and takeaway from all of this. I’m not sure what God will do in me, but I am eager to see how he will grow me in my faith. I can’t wait to learn many new things and have new experiences.

Tilly A

As National Director of SOMA Australia, I am really looking forward to this mission. Firstly, I’ve never travelled to Africa, so what a privillege and blessing that will be. Secondly, as mentioned in the intro, meeting with the other National Directors in person for the International Board after so many years of online meetings, will be fabulous. Thirdly, I love the team I’ll be travelling with, especially the gift of travelling with my daughter Tilly. As with all missions I am sent on, my heart will be open to see what God has in store, both in us and through us. May all we do bring Him Glory.

Liz R

Financial & Prayer Support for this mission

If you would like to financially support this mission, you can donate directly to SOMA Australia via the bank details below:

Account Name: Sharing of Ministries Abroad

BSB: 032 681 Account No: 286361

Please reference your transaction with: RwandaTeam

We would appreciate your prayers in the following areas:

  • Preparation for mission
  • Safety in travel
  • Good Health
  • SOMA International Board Meeting (21st & 22nd April)
  • Mission to Shyogwe Diocese (23rd – 27th April)
  • Each team member
  • Participants in mission

We give thanks for your ongoing support. If you would like to get in contact with us regarding further details on this mission, or send an encouragements to our team, please email us at


Rev Liz Rankin

National Director – SOMA Australia

Call to mission in Northern Ireland

SOMA International is facilitating it’s largest mission call yet, bringing all teams from across the globe together, at the invitation of Bishop David Mclay of Down & Dromore Diocese Ireland.

Take a look at Bishop David’s invitation…

We at SOMA Australia would like to extend this invitation to you! If you would like to be a part of this mission, please make contact with us, as you’ll need our recommendation to participate, and we can give you further details. Email

We would love to have a great representation from Australia as part of this.

Dates of mission: 2nd to 16th June 2023. That’s right THIS YEAR!!! so get in fast to get the process going, to fulfil God’s call!