Can we have confidence of the Spirit-filled experience?
Where in the Bible can we learn how to receive the fullness of the Spirit that Jesus promised to His followers?
These, among others, were the questions presented to Rev. David Crawford as the Charismatic movement spread throughout Australia in the early 1970s, resulting in congregations being shaken and hundreds of hearts being set ablaze with the Holy Spirit.
When the Anglican Synod of the Diocese of Sydney met in 1971 they asked for a committee to be formed to investigate this movement. This booklet is an updated version of the briefing paper prepared by Rev. David Crawford – presenting a biblical case for the Charismatic experience.
Although written more than three decades ago, Rev. David’s study reassures every child of God that Jesus’ promise to baptise His followers in the Holy Spirt, still remains available today.
This book can be purchased from Amazon either as an ebook or paperback.