Written by Rev Melinda McMahon, SOMA National Director
Greetings to all SOMA Missioners,
Are we still passionately pursuing Christ with every fibre of our being?
Or, have we succumbed to the distractions and worries of the world, thereby taking a little rest from our seeking?
Through the ages Israelites as well as people of other nations have waited for the promised Messiah. Many Gentiles had heard of the Messiah from the Jews in captivity. In Babylon, in Persia, in every place the Jews were taken, the message spread of the long-expected one, the Saviour to come.
The wise men who followed the star of Bethlehem had heard the news in this way. Who exactly were these men? Contrary to some accounts, they probably were not kings. Most likely they were ancient scientists, perhaps astrologers or philosophers from Persia or Babylonia. These men travelled a great distance to find the Christ. They had received some sign of His birth, some clue, some message from that strange and singular occurrence in the sky. Why would these men set out on such a hard and hazardous journey? Why would they travel so far to find a new king?
I think the answer these men would give us is the very epitome of wisdom: Those who are truly wise will ever seek after Christ.
Did these wise ones find what they sought? Yes, indeed.
They not only found a way to God, they found the Way.
They not only found some truth, they found the truth.
They not only found life, they found the life. And they fell down and worshiped Him.
“ On that day, the root of Jesse will stand as a signal to the peoples. The nations will seek him out, and his dwelling will be glorious.” Isaiah 10:11 (CEB)
This beautiful saga has enshrined itself in the hearts of humankind as a permanent part of the Christmas story. The wise men were the very first of a vast host of Gentiles who would seek and find the Messiah. Most of us are like that … Gentiles privileged
enough to come and worship at His cradle.
As we near the season of Advent and later enjoy that privilege of gathering to celebrate
His birth; let us never stop from coming to worship our Lord the Messiah.
The light of Christ may have shone first through that amazing star which signalled the arrival of a king.
On behalf of the SOMA Committee, I would like to extend to you the warmest blessings for this Christmas season as we cry “Come Holy Spirit and set our hearts on fire with love for you.”