And we are live! Check out our new SOMA Australia website, be informed of who we are, what we are called to and what God has us doing now and into the future. Stemming from a prophetic word over 40 years ago, the ministry of SOMA remains relevant and apt for a time such as this, as we ‘join the Holy Spirit to care for the nervous system of the Church’.
We may have been locked down throughout the past two years with a global pandemic, yet SOMA Australia has utilised this time to take stock, review it’s vision and mission and to seek the Holy Spirit’s guide into the where, what, how from now. There has been three areas is which God has been working through us over this time; 1. ARNA – the establishment of Anglican Renewal Network Australia. 2. Engaging with young adults – sowing into generations for the now and future. 3. Sharing with sisters in Nepal – a monthly online fellowship with the women leadership in the Anglican church across Nepal. Over the coming weeks we will be sharing more about these ministries we’ve been investing in.
Check it out and get involved!